self.projects =


June 2024 - June 2024

Exchango App

Exchango is a simple and user-friendly currency converter that allows you to convert between different currencies. Built with a minimalistic design, it aims to be easy to use and understand, while also being a challenge to create in a short amount of time (Project Duration : A Saturday).

Aurora Sight 2.0

May 2024 - May 2024

Aurora Sight 2.0 is a web application designed to deliver the latest data on aurora borealis activity in the UK using the Aurora Watch API. This version is a complete redesign of the previous Aurora Sight application, offering a more modern and responsive design. The original application was built using the MERN stack.

Cryptocurrency Order Book App

Apr 2024 - Apr 2024

Crypto Order Book project

This is a web application built using the T3 Stack, which includes React, Next.js, TailwindCSS, tRPC, Prisma, and PostgreSQL. The app displays live data for 5 cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, DOGE) and allows users to create a watchlist to track their favorite cryptocurrencies. Users can also view historical data and detailed information for individual cryptocurrencies.

Introduction to Test-Driven Development with Next.js

March 2024 - Mar 2024

Intro to TDD in Next.js project

This repository serves as an introductory guide to implementing Test-Driven Development (TDD) within the Next.js framework. Although the project presented here is relatively modest in scope, it aims to provide a solid foundation for understanding and applying TDD principles in Next.js development projects.

Learning T3 Stack

Feb 2024 - Mar 2024

Learning T3 Stack website

This project is a demonstration of the T3 Stack in action, implemented through a simple blog application. The application supports basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for blog posts and includes features for authentication and authorization. The primary goal of this project was to gain hands-on experience with the T3 Stack, especially since it's being utilized as the main technology stack at my current workplace.


Dec 2023 - Dec 2023

Genie Application (Lite Chatbot)

This web application makes use of the Google Gemini API to generate text from both text-based and image-based inputs. It was originally intended for testing the GPT-4-Vision model, but upon its release, it underwent codebase adaptation to integrate the Gemini API. The application was used as an internal testing platform for the Gemini API within our organization and is no longer in use. Notably, during the time of development, regional constraints prohibited API access within the UK, necessitating testing support from an Indian partner.

Learning Next.js

Nov 2023 - Dec 2023

Learning Nextjs website

To further solidify my understanding of Next.js, I decided to take the official Next.js App Router. This simple dashboard app is divided into 16 chapters, each with a different focus. It is a full walkthrough of the official Next.js learning course. Each commit can be traced back to a specific chapter.

Aahar Flavours

Nov 2023 - Nov 2023

Aahar Flavours website

This website (front-end) was built on the request of a friend. The website was created using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. The (demo) website is hosted on Vercel. It is a landing page for a restaurant based in the UK , my friend's requirement was a simple landing page that would allow users to view the menu and add items to the cart. The website focused on the blueprint so later ,my friend could use it to modify the website in the future.

Indie Game Reviewer

Sep 2023 - Oct 2023

Riddler Game website

This repository was used for learning purposes only. It was used to learn Next.js as it is a framework that I have never used before. Next.js is a React framework that allows you to build server-side rendered applications. It is a framework that is used by many companies such as Netflix, Uber, and Twitch. The reason I chose to learn Next.js is because it is the trending front-end framework and I wanted to learn something new. Besides I wanted to learn something new this Month and therefore dedicated my resources to learning Next.js.


Sep 2023 - Sep 2023

Riddler Game website

Riddler is a web application that allows users to solve riddles randomly or categorically. The technology stack used to build this application is Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, and React.js. (MERN Stack). It is hosted on Heroku. The project duration was 8 hours. The motivation behind this project was that my landlord's kids wanted me to ask them riddles and I was running out of it more than I could think of. So I decided to create a web application that would allow me to ask them riddles and also allow them to solve it. They loved it. I hope you do too.

URL Short

Sep 2023 - Sep 2023

URL short website

URL Short is a straightforward project developed using the BERM (Bun-Express-React-MongoDB) stack. This web application serves the purpose of converting long URLs into shorter, more manageable links for users. The project's primary goal was to familiarize the developer with Bun, a recently released JavaScript runtime, package manager, bundler, and test runner. Bun, created by Jarred Sumner, is designed as a drop-in replacement for Node.js, offering a unique approach to JavaScript development. Unlike Node.js and Deno, which rely on the V8 JavaScript engine, Bun utilizes JavaScriptCore to simplify the development, testing, and bundling of JavaScript and TypeScript projects and make it a valuable tool for web developers.

Aurora Sight

Sep 2023 - Sep 2023

Aurora Sight website

This simple MERN stack application allows users to check if an aurora is visible in the sky (UK only). The application uses the AuroraWatch UK API to get the current aurora status and displays it in a simple UI.

Electronic Virtual Assistant (EVA)

July 2023 - Aug 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

Pioneers in Computer Science - Dissertation Project

A notable feature of this project was the integration of OpenAI's cutting-edge technology. EVA utilizes OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo, demonstrating my ability to leverage AI to enhance user interactions and provide insightful responses. All user interactions with EVA are logged and stored in the database, providing valuable insights into user engagement and inquiries. EVA is integrated with a MongoDB database to store and retrieve data about pioneers in computer science, allowing users to inquire about their contributions and achievements. Technologies Used: EJS (Embedded JavaScript Templates), HTML5 , CSS ,Node.js ,Express, MongoDB ,OpenAI.

Pioneers in Computer Science - An Electronic Resource

May 2023 - Aug 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

Pioneers in Computer Science - Dissertation Project

Dissertation Project => Demonstrated ability to architect, develop, and oversee intricate software systems, a fundamental Software Engineering skill emphasising user-centric design's importance.Employed EJS, HTML5, CSS, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to provide a seamless user experience and robust performance. One notable feature of this project is the integration of OpenAI technology into the platform.


Jul 2023 - Jul 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

Puzzlo Project Image

Conceived during a late-night conversation between two friends, a mere 21 days before their dissertation deadline, "Project-21" was born. This project quickly matured into what we now know as Puzzlo, an intriguing and user-friendly game. The objective of Puzzlo is straightforward yet compelling. Players must discover the daily pin or password. The earlier in the day, they manage to find the password, the higher their score becomes, as it is calculated based on the period within the day and the number of tries. This unique scoring mechanism adds a fascinating twist to the game, making every new day a fresh challenge.

Personal Portfolio Website (V 1.0)

May 2023 - May 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

Personal Portfolio - 1

This repository contains a Personal Portfolio Website, written in HTML5 and using the Bootstrap framework. The portfolio showcases the profile, projects, and photography, along with a link to writings on Medium.


Apr 2023 - May 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

Quizzy App

Quizzy is a Java-based Quiz Management System designed to facilitate the creation, management, and grading of quizzes in an educational setting. With support for multiple user roles such as students and teachers, it offers a comprehensive data model to efficiently store and manage quiz and user-related information.

Route Mapping Application

Feb 2023 - Feb 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

Route Mapping Application

This is a RESTful API and web interface (UI using Vue) for a bus travel planner system. The system stores information about routes, stops, and timetable information for the routes. The aim of this project is to provide users with an easy and efficient way to access bus travel information.

Wordle Game using Maven and TDD Approach

Jan 2023 - Feb 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

Wordle application

This project is a Java implementation of the popular word game Wordle, where players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word. The game is built using test-driven development and uses JUnit 5 as the unit-testing framework.

File Sharing System

Apr 2023 - May 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

File Sharing System using Java

File Transfer System is a simple client-server application that allows users to transfer files from a client to a server. The server receives the files and displays a list of received files. Users can then download the received files from the server.The application is written in Java and uses Java Swing for the client and server UIs. It supports the transfer of any file type, including text and image files.


March 2023 - Apr 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

Project Story Arch

To develop a non-web-based software application in Java to support individual and collaborative plot development for stories. The application is expected to be deployed on laptops and desktops.

Message Passing System using GWT

Feb 2023 - March 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

Message Passing System using GWT

This project is a distributed system built using the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) technology. The purpose of this project is to showcase how to implement a message-passing system using Lamport clock time and total ordering of events, with communication among browser windows acting as independent processes.

University Room Booking System

Nov 2022 - Nov 2022

Associated with University of St Andrews


This is a Java program for a room-booking system that includes both a text-based user interface and a graphical user interface using Java Swing. The program was built using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.


Oct 2022 - Nov 2022

Associated with University of St Andrews

Project Breeze.

This repository showcases the design of a career network application geared towards university students and employer organizations. Our team employed an agile process during the planning phase of the application and demonstrated an understanding of software design, UML (Unified Modelling Language) diagrams, and their applications.


March 2023 - March 2023

Associated with University of St Andrews

E-Commerce Platform

This GitHub repository contains a fully functional skeletal implementation of an e-commerce application system designed to facilitate the sale of products. Specifically, the authors have chosen to demonstrate the system using an e-commerce platform for a book store. However, this system can be adapted to accommodate the sale of diverse products.This is a RESTful API and web interface (UI using ReactJS) for a Shopping system.

Voyage - A Secure Messaging Application

Nov 2022 - Nov 2022

Associated with University of St Andrews

Voyage Messenger

This Messenger - application called "Voyage" created as part of CS4203 - Computer Security. It was built using Express and .js with the help of middlewares such as Passport for authentication purposes. The use of MongoDB is for storing users and data.

Automated Billing System In a Light Fidelity Environment.

Jan 2021 - May 2021

Associated with KLN College of Engineering, Madurai, India

Automated Billing System In a Light Fidelity Environment.

A solution aimed at revolutionizing the shopping experience in supermarkets. This system leverages RFID tags and Li-Fi transmission to streamline product tracking and billing processes, eliminating the hassle of manual product selection and long queues.
